Qualifying exam for Peter Gorniak 100 points total Try to answer all the questions, but you do not need to answer them all correctly to pass. I think the threshold for passing will be approximately 70 points (our of 100) correct, but that may change after I see your answers. Unfortunately, since this exam is only for one person, I cannot draw on previous experience to give you a firm threshold for passing. Use the point specifications more as a guide for how much time to spend on each question. 1. Pearl and Spirtes et al. describe similar approaches to learning the structure of a causal Bayes net from purely observational data, based on the conditional independence relations found in the observed data. To what extent and under what circumstances can these approaches infer causal structure in the presence of hidden (unobserved) causes? To what extent and under what circumstances can these approaches infer the existence and connection patterns of hidden causes? Give an answer that is as formally precise as possible, in terms of the inductive compentence of the algorithms, without necessarily going into the details of the search procedures used. Concrete examples will help. [20 points] 2. How does the performance of the causal learning algorithms advocated by Pearl and Spirtes et al. depend on the amount of data available, both in theory and in practice? The algorithms should give identical answers in the limit of infinite data, but will they perform differently with finite data sets? If so, how? [10 points] 3. Gopnik and colleagues propose that the algorithms for learning causal structure based on conditional independence patterns proposed by Pearl and Spirtes et al. provide a rational framework for understanding how people learn successfully about the causal structure of their world. Critically evaluate this claim. What assumptions are necessary to bring the algorithms of Pearl and Spirtes et al. to bear on the experiments of Gopnik et al. and Steyvers et al., and to what extent are those assumptions cognitively or computationally well-motivated? What are the advantages and disadvantages of the alternative Bayesian approach to inferring causal structure advocated by Tenenbaum and colleagues? What aspects of human causal inference are not well captured by the Bayesian approach? [20 points] 4. What is the relation between Cheng's Power PC theory and algorithms for learning causal Bayes nets? In particular, consider two aspects of causal Bayes nets: maximum likelihood parameter estimation and Pearl's (2000) notion of the probability of a sufficient or necessary cause. What (if anything) can we gain by reformulating the Power PC theory of human causal judgment in terms of Bayes net learning and inference? [10 points] 5. (a) How would a proponent of Johnson-Laird's mental models paradigm interpret the results in Krynski and Tenenbaum? Could the mental models paradigm offer new insights into their results? (b) Pearl (2000) discusses the proper relation between causal knowledge and probabilistic knowledge in building an intelligent reasoner. How might Pearl's arguments relate to and inform the discussion in Krynski and Tenenbaum? [10 points] 6. Compare and contrast the mental models approach to deductive reasoning (a la Johnson-Laird) with the Bayesian approach to inductive reasoning (a la Kemp and Tenenbaum). Are these approaches more competitive or more complementary? Could there be a productive hybrid of these approaches, combining probabilistic inference with the representational format of mental models? What would this hybrid offer over the basic mental models paradigm? [15 points] 7. Compare qualitative approaches to physical and spatiotemporal reasoning (Kuipers, Johnson-Laird) with Pearl's (2000) approach to causal reasoning. Most work in qualitative physics was done before the recent wave of formal approaches to causality led by Pearl. What would be the most important ways to reconceptualize qualitative physics in light of the tools introduced by Pearl? Are there important aspects of qualitative physics or intuitive physical understanding that Pearl's approach is incapable of capturing or addressing? If so, what would be needed to integrate causal Bayes nets into a more complete framework for modeling intuitive physical understanding? [15 points]